side chain

英 美
  • 侧链
  • siddhi n.(通过超脱静坐等而获得的)神功(如洞晓他人心思的能力或隐身能力)
  • siddown [用于祈使语气]=sitdown[口语发音拼式]
  • siddur n.西都尔(犹太教所用的祈祷书)[字面意义:order]
  • side n.边;侧;边缘;侧面;(多边形的)边;(立体的)面;一方;方面;旁边;家族adj.旁的;次要的v.站在…的一边;支持
  • side by side 肩并肩地;一起
    1. There are also receptors for other residues on the carbohydrate side chains, both in liver and other organs.
    2. So we designed the resins which polyacrylates as the main chain, biphenylyl as the side chain and the pyrrole on the end of the side chain.
    3. Selectivity of lipase from straight chain alcohol is better than from branch chain alcohol.
    4. The characteristics and application of the branched chain explosion of hydrocracking hydrogenation recycle gas and the relevant combustible gases were systematically studied.

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